This past week, Little C turned the Big 1-0! We had to make the day a little extra special... I mean it's the first double digit birthday. So in the middle of the night, I placed turquoise balloons all over C's bedroom. What a wonderful surprise to wake up to a room filled with balloons, right? C loved it. He actually told me he woke up in the middle of the night and was so excited when he saw all the balloons. ;)
No birthday would be the same without starting the day with breakfast in bed. The day of C's actual birthday was pretty hectic with school and karate.
Before dinner, we opened gifts which included art supplies, fun Halloween items, and lots of Moshi Monster items I managed to pick up in London. I also surprised C by making him Shishi, another favorite Moshling.
We ended the day with C's favorite dinner - pork tenderloin & cous cous. And for dessert he requested an Apple Split (apple slices, lemon sorbet, vanilla ice cream, milk chocolate cream, and three marachino cherries).
Over the weekend, we had a small get together with a couple of friends from school. It was very low key.
C requested I bake an Oddie - Moshi Foodie cake. I've never had much luck with cakes but this year I was shocked because my cake was actually cooked... it didn't burn, shrivel up, nor did the center collapse! I think after 6 years, my oven is beginning to like me!
The children also played a few games along with a shrinky dink activity.
When we talked to the parents, we told them we were going to have a small playdate for C's birthday. So most of the kids didn't bring gifts but C didn't even notice. Of course, had they brought gifts C wouldn't have complained. But I like how C wasn't so focused on gifts; he was just happy to have his friends come over and play. Which I think is great. After all, aren't birthdays more about spending time with people you enjoy & love.