Today was the best day ever. And it all started last week....
Sardegna Grrrl sent me an invitation to participate in a group called "Laboratorio di Cucina". Oh, now THAT sounds fun! I love cooking classes but when I looked at the list of members I realized I was the only non-Italian. Did Sardegna Grrrl make a mistake? Won't everyone be speaking Italian? I understand some Italian since some words are similar to Spanish but I really can't speak Italian. So I quickly sent Sardegna Grrrl an e-mail asking if she really wanted me in the group and I assured her I wouldn't be offended if she had made a mistake in sending me the invite. Her response, "I am sure. And I called you on the phone to tell you and left a message. We want you as the international side are you coming?" Unfortunately, I never received the message since the new IOS update to my iphone has completely caused havoc with my voice mail.
Being included in this group was just the thing I needed! Ever since I've come back from our summer vaca in the US, I've been a little down with the whole friends issue... It's a little lonely when your good friends move away... Especially with Backgammon Grrrl gone, things just aren't the same.
I wanted to express to Sardegna Grrrl how much I appreciated her welcoming me into this wondeful group so I gave her an adorable apron. I saw it on Anthropologie and loved it! So I bought a few not knowing who I would give them to. But I have to say this was the perfect opportunity. And since Sardegna Grrrl is super stylish we had to start the class out right by being fashionable in the kitchen!
I love this photo of Sardegna Grrrl. It is so her! Kneading dough and talking... she's a multitasker all right! She loves her iPhone as much as I do!
The cooking class was so much fun!! Imagine 10 Italian woman + one American and one Spanish woman gathered around a table learning to make Seadas.
Home-made dough and everything. It was fabulous!! And to think I used to pay for Italian cooking classes. lol! But this was much more authentic and a lot more fun.
We also received a lesson in fancy napkin folding.
I love how even though all the women in the group are Italian they're all from different regions so their food is very different.
I was the designated photographer so I got a lot of good shots. In addition to the delicious Seadas, Sardegna Grrrl also made Spaghetti with Bottarga (cured fish roe). I've never tasted Bottarga so it was a treat for me. And apparently it's a delicacy in many Medittaranean countries.
Sardegna Grrrl placed thin slices of Bottarga on top of a traditional Sardinian flat bread. She also had Bottarga powder which she poured on top of the spaghetti along with fresh garlic and olive oil. It was really delicious! I'm always amazed how every Italian who has ever cooked for me makes pasta perfect. How do they do that? It's never overcooked.
Sardegna Grrrl also served a fantastic Sardinian wine along with a special sparkling water that can only be found on the island. It was a real treat! By the time the food was served there were 12 of us at the table... eating, talking, laughing, and drinking. I couldn't have asked for a better day!
After lunch, Sardegna Grrrl fried up the Seadas which were absolutely delicious with a little honey drizzeled on top.
We also received three Seadas to take home and cook for our family.
The first Laboratoria di Cucina was amazing! With such talented, funny, and wonderful women as these it's impossible not to have fun. Here's to the next cooking lesson!