Here in Belgium, the 6th of December is one of the most exciting days of the year for children. Why you may ask? Well, on the evening of the 5th children place their shoes near the fireplace or the backdoor in anticipating of Saint Nicolas’ arrival. The following morning, children wake up to find chocolates/candy, Speculoos cookies, oranges, and presents inside their shoes.
Celebrating the 6th of December is a new tradition for us. So Saint Nicolas tends to give C small gifts unlike the larger gifts Belgian children receive. For Belgians, the 6th of December is all about the children and Christmas Day is more about gift giving among family & friends.
This year C woke up to find two “Magic School Bus” books along with a chocolate coin on top of his shoes. According to C, these are the best books because…”they have the two things I love – reading and science.”
I've heard of this tradition. I think I would be more broke if I lived in Belgium. Both my daughter and husband's birthdays fall in November then there is Xmas. My daughter loves Magic School Bus and I often join her when the show is on TV.
Posted by: Maye | 15 December 2011 at 07:43