Last night some friends came over for dinner and we discussed this week's Sunday Scribbles topic: Mystery. If we could have any mystery resolved, what would we want to know?
Interesting dinner conversation. Some of my friends wanted to know about their families or political events. Like what really happened behind the death of Princess Diana or John F. Kennedy. And did President Bush really have prior knowledge about 9-11?
What mystery did I want reveiled? Immediately, I thought about what my life would have been like if my family had continued to live in New York. How would my life experiences have changed? Would I be the same person I am today?
Then I thought about life after death. I like to think once we die our souls are transported to an amazing place where people only experience happiness & are reunited with their loved ones. Perhaps we're reincarnated and continue to come back as different people. Lots of mystery revolves around death.
The more I thought about this topic though the more I realized I REALLY don't want my mysteries answered. I don't want someone to reveal my life journey had I continued to live in New York or that perhaps there is absolutely nothing after death. Too depressing.
So I've come to the conclusion that I need mystery. I'm happy not knowing certain things. Mystery in my life allows me to wonder, imagine, and dream.
Amen to that! Here's to wonder and imagination!
Posted by: kristineart | 12 June 2006 at 07:44
Posted by: Verity | 12 June 2006 at 21:40